

Enabling dinners to book their reservation through the app and giving a more immersive experience in-app.

Roles & Responsibilities

• User Research: Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Interviews, User testing, Affinity Mapping
• Storytelling & Narrative
• UX Design: sketches, Iterative Wireframing, low and high fidelity prototyping, Testing Sessions

Project Context

• Solo Project
• Nov 2021 -2 week

Tools Used

• Figma
• Miro

The Problem

Pearl restaurant is a family business that serves fine luxury food for hundreds of dinners every day. But with the current evolution of technology in booking process instead of a regular call to book service in competitors let to a down spike of dinners in recent months.

People visiting luxury restaurants nowadays are expecting more not only from the food and service also from the reservation space of the whole process. As pearl used its normal means to call to reserve a table users showed a slight dissatisfaction in user choices due to lack of Visuality in options that they can have.

As a luxury restaurant, people come to spend time but most customer visits expect fast service when they are in a hurry upon research, it was noted that this was the highest service rate that their kitchen can process currently, but this needs to be resolved so dinners won't find dissatisfaction.


User research

1. I conducted interviews with 10 participants(4 Male, 4 Female, 2 Nonbinary) and created empathy maps to understand the users.
2. I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. Primary user groups identified through research Was affluent families and business personnel who are striving for the astonishing experience.
3. This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Pearl Restaurant customers, but research also revealed people are expecting to have an easy way to have the best experience while dining. Other user problems included obligations that imply that they lose the experience when they are hungry and wait for food when they reach the restaurant.
4. Other user problems included obligations that they are not happy that they cant choose the table they want to be placed.

Experience is the main key to luxury

• customers visit luxury restaurants because they want to feel special and experience new things, but the process of getting to reserve a table doesn't equally match the customs of the luxury restaurant.

Most luxury dinings get high business meets

• Customer visits luxury restaurants for many reasons like spending time, enjoying the delicacy of the food, experiencing the high standards of a luxury restaurant, etc. But most visits to a luxury restaurant are from business meets official and unofficial, these group of customers visits luxury restaurants to please their clients or make an official statement. so they expect their visit to be more promising and these groups of people have sensitive schedules.

Research Insights

Need of way to compensate for slow service

As restaurants get more dinners it is hard for them to manage fast service on short notice of the order, but customers with a tight schedule can lose their experience due to this..

Custom experience

Customers often want to be seated at a specific table. But most reservations don't allow it and even if they allow it it's harder to convey the information through call. Also, reservation through call doesn't allow the customer to choose from new options because they cant visually imagine where the table is.

Visits from a different location

Most common restaurants get dinners as families travel from their homes. but as a luxury restaurant, they get dinners traveling from a different location every time because it is not only the family visits people like business groups or friend groups also visit luxury restaurants.


Competitive Analysis

• Research has been done on existing luxury restaurants and websites to gain knowledge on present trends and how they are making user experience better for their customers.

• 5 restaurants have taken into consideration for competitive analysis

• Restaurents


2. Berners Tavern

3. Winter Garden

4. Clos Maggiore

5. Holy Carrot

Feasible solutions

Enabling users with preordering starters and wine

Customers will be able to preorder their starters and wine in -app while reservation so that they get to order their main course while they enjoy their starters without waiting on preparation time.

Enabling users to book their custom experience by letting them choose the table they want to be seated in

Enabling users with a live table reservation in-app so that they can visually choose and customize their experience. Most customers want to be seated in a specific location, But they won't be able to choose new options due to a lack of imagination of where other tables will be.

Enabling users to view the in-app map to reach the restaurant from anywhere

Enabling users with an in-app map feature to locate the user position and redirect them to the restaurant with the shortest path.




Story board



Lo-fi prototypes


User testing

• I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining
• Nov 2022 -1 week

Round one

Insight 1

Most users want to be able to edit details on the confirmation page

Insight 2

The notify me section is difficult to find for almost all users

Insight 3

For most users, it’s not immediately clear how to cancel the reservation

Round two

Insight 1

For most users, it’s not immediately clear how to pre-order food from the list

Insight 2

Choosing a location of the table is useful for most people, but not an overwhelming majority


As per research insights, new adaptations have been made into lofi prototypes to continue with the hifi prototypes.

Notify me

Early designs allowed for placing notify me option below order confirmation but after usability study, it was revealed that users are not able to notice that but notify requires more attention than normal because it’s not been used in mass users in the past.

Booking details

Most users were confused about how to access the reservation details. previously it can be found when clicking on the hamburger menu after the reservation. So to give more attention, bookings are placed on the main screen.

Quick access panel.

Usability study addressed that users are more comfortable if they get to edit in the confirmation page.


Main userflow

Main user flow is embedded with immersive experience allowing the user to choose the table they want to be seated in and quick preorder for starters and wine so it will be ready by the customers reach the restaurant .

Booking details

Users are given a quick way to view their current booking details and can check their previous visit order details.

Navigate me

Most users don't visit the restaurant from the same place every time so they have been given a map feature to find the quickest route to the restaurant.

Other screens

Every screen is designed following brand identity consistently to give an immersive experience moving through screens.


• While designing the Pearl Restaurant, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.
• Building empathy for a user population I did not know a lot about has helped me grow immensely as a designer.